How to Persist Mercury Retrograde

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Well we've made it to yet another Mercury Retrograde (March 22-April 14)!

What is Mercury Retrograde?

First off, it's an illusion. The planet Mercury nor Earth is actually going backward. From our celestial vantage point on Earth, Mercury only looks like it's moving backward--this motion is called retrograde illusion. It happens 3-4 times a year, for about three weeks. To those of us are who are especially sensitive, these weeks can feel like a slog. 

(Actually, calling Mercury Retrograde an illusion kind of helps temper the nerves now that I think about it.)

We all have Mercury stationed somewhere in our birth charts, and while you may or may not believe in astrology, it's retrograde can be felt anecdotally as: "THIS SHIT AGAIN!" Mercury is the planet of communication, ruler of Virgo and Gemini, and in Roman Mythology (Greek: Hermes) was the messenger of the Gods. As such, the areas of our life that get the brut of the retrograde season are the areas that Mercury rules: communication, plans, technology, travel, and decision making/contracts. Depending on where Mercury is on your chart, it can also bring up miscommunication specifically in impact areas of your chart.

I know that seems like a wide array of impact areas, so I've put together my tried and true tips for surviving what can seem like three weeks of sensitivities and putting out fires. 

In addition to Mercury Retrograde in Aries we still have the years long Leo Eclipse cycle happening, as well as some big outer planets moving like Uranus into Taurus this spring! Consider a Leo Eclipse Season Personal Report, if you're curious about what's in store for you over the next six months! So be prepared for some FIREY actions and maybe some bruised ego.

A question for reflection for you: What can I control right now, in the present?

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The best advice I can offer is to take some time to be patient with yourself and others. If you feel like other people are being insensitive (they probably are), try not to take it personally (you could be extra sensitive, too). Travel plans are notoriously difficult during Mercury Retrograde, so be the nice person in the concourse terminal. Ask lots of questions before committing yourself. Most astrologers recommend holding off on big ticket purchases (especially electronics) and making big decisions. While I generally agree, there are a couple things you can do to protect yourself: take time to sleep on it, read the fine print, and opt for the warranty if it's a good value.

If you're feeling the "UGH WHY ME? WHY NOW?", I have a few Crystal (and oil) Prescriptions to help get you through--particularly if you know these weeks are essentially a clusterfuck and you want to feel better.

Black Tourmaline is my go to stone for the home anyways, but during these three weeks it can help give you a force field of protection from energy vampires--you know the type? Energy vampires are ones who don't know boundaries and often project all sorts of emotions that leave you feeling drained and weighed down. It also helps you to stay grounded and focused so you don't get lost in the minutiae and competing priorities.

Blue Lace Agate is my go to for the Throat Chakra. It helps you to speak confidently, clearly, and from the heart. If you want to ensure your point is accurate and in alignment with what you're trying to communicate, then this stone will help you choose the right words. It has a calming and sweet energy which can soothe insensitive or high stakes communication.

Fluorite is a stone of mental clarity. If you're to-do list is a million miles long, you got dozens of errands to run, are typically clumsy (like me!), fluorite helps you time manage, organize, and stay on top of it. What I love about fluorite is that it can help prioritize and think clearly through what has to happen.

Selenite is another go-to for the home. It acts like an energy purifier, leaving the rooms it is in feeling light, refreshed and renewed. It keeps the vibes high. So if Mercury Retrograde is leaving you feeling drained, frazzled, or like you're stuck in Groundhog's Day, grab a selenite tower or palm stone and let it's sweet, soothing vibes bathe you pure white light energy. Seriously, it's one of my MUST HAVES. I love selenite in all its forms!

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In 6th and 7th grade, I dove into aromatherapy. I loved learning about how different fragrances can heal and alter moods. There is so much cool science happening to test plant medicine right now and it's super exciting for me! While my aromatherapy love dwindled for about a decade, I am now older and wiser. Essential oils can really uplift and change conditions. For these three weeks try diffusing frankincense for overall peace, bergamot for its energetic mood boost, cypress for grounding, ylang ylang for balancing emotions, and lavender for calm and anxiety relief. 

Tell me what you think! What are your tips? What are you go to's?

Here's your dates for 2018:

March 22 - April 15, 2018

July 25 - August 18, 2018

November 16 - December 6, 2018