101 to 31-wonderful

101 to 31-wonderful

Since turning 30 I have learned some wonderful life lessons, some tears, and more importantly I feel more whole and beautiful than I have than any other time since childhood. It's a beautiful feeling and I am celebrating it with a 101 to 31 challenge. 101 days of self care and celebrating this wonderful new decade. Ready to celebrate your life? Set your own goals and share on instagram with #101to31 !

What are Stone Stories?

What are Stone Stories?

As I continue to grow my business offering crystals for the home and healing, I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude to connect special pieces that impact the lives whom the crystals go home with. It is my intention for this blog series, "Stone Story", to reveal an intimate and vulnerable story about an experience I have had with a specific crystal or stone. I believe that, if we pay attention, there are huge miracles and shifts that happen when we knowingly and intentionally let crystals into our personal space.