Tiger's Eye: Gold and Red


Tiger's Eye: Gold and Red

from $7.00


Tiger eye helps us meet reaction and response as, mindfully, intention or, mindlessly, activation. Do you storm or stand when you're caught? I often associate Tiger's Eye with Ox-adjacent, Aries, the Ram.

For the year of the Ox 2021, there's a new shift to grounded, calm, and balanced demeanor. You may be feeling the change, but, NOW, you have the faculty to withstand and understand why it's so crucial to stay level in the unexpected.

This stone can teach you to embrace the paradox of the questions you don’t have answers to yet. It allows you to be guided through connection of Christ Consciousness, that vibrational energy of what’s incoming: not back, not forward, above it all. Transcendence after we clear these Collective Consciousness hurdles.

Perhaps most importantly right now, tiger eye helps to bring balance and harmony from everything to minor disagreements to major rifts.

Take a step back, breathe, remember you’re a child of this earth born from the frequencies that supersede the fabric of time and human existence of this planet.

How have you neglected or dimmed your light? Have you been focused too much in darkness?

You can only the know the extent of one through familiarity with the other.

RED TIGER’S EYE shares the same properties of Tiger’s Eye, but I find that it resonates with the root chakra to help one feel more present and grounded, stable. Protective, and helps to enforce personal boundaries. It can help correct imbalances such as improperly directed passion and making more mindful decisions.

Piece will be selected intuitively and may be different than those pictured. “Oval/Pillow” option can be see in the outer ring of the crystal grid picture. Larger in size and has a nice curved texture similar to a “worry stone”.
Chakra: Root, Root, Sacral, Solar
Element: Fire and Earth
Astrology: Aries (love this for Aries), Gemini, Virgo, Leo
Home placement: kid’s playrooms, front door/entryway, office

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