"I've been through so much, and now I have room to breathe."



Bedroom and Office in Historic Beacon Hill Home

I met this client last year through mutual friends, and knew right away that I liked her. She is open, honest, fun, and anyone who I share a good laugh with, I know is a good person. M got in touch with me in July to talk about what's been going on in her life. 

M is a registered nurse, who works long shifts. She's been wanting to commit more eagerly to her Arbonne business and be her own boss, but her office was overwhelming with the seemingly never-ending to-do's and disorganization. Her bedroom wasn't a restful place, which negatively impacted her time off from the long shifts at the hospital. These two rooms felt burdensome with all of the incomplete projects and lack of breathing room. 

What these rooms were telling me was here is a successful woman, with great style and an extremely talented eye for creative design, who was trying to outrun her past.

Yet, in every nook and cranny were items of memories that no longer served a purpose. So what story did she want to tell?  M is in the process of writing this new chapter and wanted space to do so! She wanted to believe that her bedroom could provide respite, and her office could be a motivating place as well as a place to socialize with her roomies or clients. Fortunately for her, she had great bones, she just needed a little encouragement and help pulling all these positive pieces together.

If we seek motivation, we got to take the first step.

To start, she and I did a major purge.  That means out with the old to make room for the new potential!  From t-shirts that she never wears or no longer liked on herself to dated pieces that no longer served a value, to old receipts and letters that took up desk and drawer spaces, we purged. I love a good purge because it's such an energetic gift to yourself. Make room for the things you like, and let the former past go to someone who will love it just as much or essentially needs it.  

Having a third-party there to listen to your concerns about letting something go or who is willing to gently and firmly say: "It's ok to let it go now," is a way to stay on track and get you through from start to finish with a loving and firm presence.

We did this in a few hours, with laughter and great conversation.  This gave me space to come back on Monday with the few new pretty things and design some welcomed positive energy. 

On reveal day, I came over arms loaded with a brand new accent chair she couldn't wait to meet, new bed linens, and a readiness to clean up, set up, and give her a gift of a new chapter. While en route to her place, I got this text message: "I'm supposed to be tidying, but I can't stop hanging out in my office!" I knew it was going to be a good day. The results turned out even more relaxing and uplifting, and she gasped at the results. 

Check out the before and afters below.